Rapid Access continues to make a difference for underprivileged children.

Rapid Access continues to make a difference for underprivileged children.

Rapid Access continues to make a difference for underprivileged children.


Rapid Access, a Loxam Company, has been an avid supporter of the Stationery Collection Drive organised by Emirates Red Crescent and the Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department for three years.
This year, the Rapid Access Dubai Team has contributed nearly 200kg of new stationery and school supplies to help and support the underprivileged student community.
Waleed Isaac, Rapid Access’ new Managing Director, said: “As ambassadors of goodwill, Rapid Access is pleased to support Emirates Red Crescent and the Islamic Affairs & Charitable Activities Department in their efforts to aid students from impoverished and conflict-torn communities around the world.”

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